What is responce congruence?

Response congruence refers to how well an individual’s responses on an assessment or questionnaire align with their actual behavior, values, or feelings. In psychological testing and behavioral analysis, it pertains to how consistent and authentic a person’s responses are in relation to their true characteristics or real-life situation.

For example, if someone answers a personality or behavioral test in a way that matches their actual behavior in real life, their responses are considered congruent. On the other hand, if there is a discrepancy between their answers and real-world behavior, it may indicate a lack of congruence.

This concept is particularly important in psychological and behavioral assessments, as it can affect the reliability and usefulness of the results. High response congruence suggests that the individual is transparent and honest in their responses, making the results more accurate and relevant.

It’s a measure of how much an individual’s responses “match” or align with their inner world or actual behavior.

When it comes to EPT and its reliability, read more in EPT and its validation and reliability

or EPT founder Stefan Lindstrom´s research about congruence in different tests in What Does Different Personality Test and Behavioral… – Google Scholar

Maybe you want to compare your scores? After 27.000 tests we can see that the average % congruence is somewhere 80+ (83-85%) for those who chose Job as focus, and approx 70%+ for those with Free-time as a focus during taking the test.


Which are the six entrepreneurial archetypes and who are they ?

The Starter – Intuitive, creative and great initiators, skills as caught the spur of the moment,,

The Professional – Good planners, tend to like the efficiency, holistic orientated,,,

The Serial – Flexible, can often combined feelings & analytical skills when making decisions,,,

The Innovator – Innovative, detail orientated skills, ability to act on their impulses,,,

The Lifestyle – Effective, holistic and often customer orientated businesses,,,

The Workstyle – Emotions as well as mentally driven, the work itself provides the incentives ,,

Read about them all six on All Archetypes

What is an entrepreneur ?

An entrepreneur is a person who takes an idea for a product/service, considers the risks, identifies opportunities, gathers resources, and plans and implements the idea. It can also be described as an action-orientated person – see the dictionary . More about Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurlogy,  Entreprenology, (Research Gate)

Does the EPT test answer if I am an entrepreneur or not ?

No, The Entrepreneurial Profile Test (EPT) test gives a picture of which or which of the six entrepreneurial arches you are closest and or the closest to. You have to decide for yourself if you have aptitude and competence, tendency or capacity, ability, or drive or willpower – (see Drivers in the dictionary) enough to run a business.

It is a tough job, but if you are passionate about it, in combination with the insight that YOU have to solve the problems along the way – then entrepreneurship may be right for you.

What is a personality test ?

The Difference Between a Personality Test and a Behavioral Profile Test:

Personality Test
Personality tests aim to assess and measure the long-term, more stable characteristics of an individual, such as their fundamental tendencies, attitudes, and preferences. It’s about how a person tends to react in different situations based on their inner, stable traits.

Example: Big Five Personality Traits (extraversion, neuroticism, openness, conscientiousness, and agreeableness).

  • Focus: Measures inner personality traits.
  • Goal: Understand how individuals tend to be in various social and work-related contexts.
  • Timeframe: The traits measured are often stable over time and change slowly.

Behavioral Profile Test
Behavioral profile tests, such as the EPT, focus instead on assessing the specific behaviors, habits, and reactions an individual exhibits in practical or professional contexts. The test maps an individual’s behaviors in specific situations and how these might impact their performance and success in relation to tasks or professional goals.

Example: DISC, which categorizes people based on their behaviors in four main areas: dominance, influence, steadiness, and conscientiousness.

  • Focus: Measures how a person acts, interacts, and reacts in different situations.
  • Goal: Understand specific behaviors and how they can affect work outcomes, performance, and relationships.
  • Timeframe: Behaviors can be more flexible and change depending on the environment, experiences, or goals.


  • Personality tests measure long-term, stable traits like how an individual tends to be in a wide range of situations.
  • Behavioral profile tests focus on how a person actually behaves or interacts in specific contexts, often to provide practical insights into how they function in work-related or other specific situations.

In the case of the EPT, it’s more about understanding behaviors linked to entrepreneurship and how these can predict success, rather than measuring the stable personality traits.

What is a behavioral assessment?

Behavioral assessment is a method used in the field of psychology to observe, describe, explain, and maybe even predict behaviors. Behavioral assessment can be useful in clinical, educational, and corporate settings. One way to observe behavior is through the use of a questionnaire. (EPT)  This method of observation usually focuses on behaviors that have already occurred or occurring, i.e., questions in EPT are asked several ways in, like  – I most often say..,  ? – I most often like to..  ? or – I prefer to ..  ?  as well as several questions  –Which of the following words describes you the best?

EPT is more of a behavioral test that focuses on the 6 different archetypes even if it includes both one Personality profile as well an Entrepreneurial profile.


Reasons to take EPT ?

  • You wish to identify areas of development
  • You aspire to become an entrepreneur
  • You will run or start a new business
  • You want to recruit the right person
  • You are curious about team-development
  • You work as a coach and or mentor
  •  – Do you want to become an accredited user and instructor ? Ask us free support@entrepreneurprofiletest.com

Other areas could be:

You want to recruit the right person for the right job. Or you want to improve your team and understanding for different strengths and why people do as do and act as they act. Or you want to see/find your motivators and or development areas, like which are your defining driving forces especially for your way of being and act.

What can I do with the results ?

Or what can I do with the many answers and information within the profile and its answer?

Like all behavior tests, one is supposed to use it with an accredited coach for the tests, EPT  is still free of charge and to try without. In that case, use the result if it feels right for you if you have not chosen to work with an EPT coach as one is supposed to, to get the most out of EPT and your profile. feedback@entrepreneurprofiletest.com

What do the results say ?

You get a picture of You with the help of the test and what type of entrepreneur you are and or most similar to. This in relation to your goals and your thoughts about the type you want to be yourself or the kind you think you want to be – you get information about potential strengths and weaknesses. Weaknesses or as we prefer to see it – your development potential. The test gives you a popular scientific perspective on your character as an entrepreneur. To think about how you work can help you become aware or even more aware of your capacity. It may be more about seeing development potential than looking for weaknesses in their profile.

The Entrepreneurial Profile Test – EPT, builds on research that led to the profiles, and the design of the test is advanced.

Please notice that when you have received your Results after completed the 22 questions ( 21 + 1 focus choices) you also get a link to extra pages and guidelines, at the bottom of your profile.

You can get help and guidelines from us – either by email in different programs or if you prefer one-to-one development over the telephone or Skype or such. i.e., we have MI, Motivational interviewing, and compared with non-directive counseling it is more focused on goal-directed and influences you, as an entrepreneur or just personal development, we can influence to consider changes or improvements through the help of the test and Your personal results and answers. Feel free to contact us support@entrepreneurprofiletest.com with your questions.

How can I get the most out of the test ?

Like other tests, one should get professional feedback. To get the most out of your EPT results, contact us for individual and related to your answers, personal feedback, or a professional growth plan, welcome at feedback@entrepreneurprofiletest.com

Experience shows that those who have deposited time to reflect on their ability and to work have a deeper understanding of how they work. These also become more effective in their everyday lives. Of course, this is a challenge for many people. Some take help to move forward with this, while others try to do it themselves.

International statistics show that approx
15% do not try
70% try but fails in most times, and then gives up
15% take external help and make lasting positive changes.

Like all behavior tests, as well as personality tests, one is supposed to use it with an accredited coach for the tests. EPT  is still free of charge and to try without. In that case, use the result if it feels right for you if you have not chosen to work with an EPT coach as one is supposed to, to get the most out of EPT and your profile. Feel free to contact us with your questions.

Which profile is best ?

The profile/s describes a personality. A personality can be described as characteristic patterns of emotions, feelings, and thoughts: The EPT test gives you a perspective of thoughts, emotions, situation/s combined with sometimes surprising views and ideas behind what drives you.
It is not possible to say that one is better or worse than the other. Characteristics – is what distinguishes an individual, from one individual from another

Are you the same profile throughout your whole life ?

No, you don’t have to be the same – not at all
Some less some more, people evolve or change just like everyone else in and during life. Our later interdisciplinary research within this has taught us that this is much due to curiosity (end of Lindstroms TEDxtalk.) and openness. Which is one of the factors that the Big five test measures. E.g.,  Openness to Experience Personality Trait – Psychologist World

I got two archetype answers.

The consistency of your answers (response congruence) gives a probability in the answer of approx xx %. You chose xxx as focus, and your profiles are…

Yes, this can happen and does occur within personality and or behavioral profile tests and is something called a split wheel. Which in itself can depend on a variety of things. The most common situation in a split wheel is that you can get two. One is then a so-called related role, and it may be because you are mentally “on the road” or, as we say, mentally on your way somewhere – reorientation. Which is a natural reason, as we wrote above in – Reason to take the Entrepreneur Profile Test – EPT. It can also be related to – In or out of a new or unique situation, role, place of residence, geographical, other country and more for example. Another word is a breakpoint, or just breaking points like below.


Have you got even more profiles in your split wheel, You may want to retake the test and reconsider shifting focus (Job/ Free-time)


Several tests in a row?

It has occurred that if the client or test-taker does several tests over a relatively short time the congruence changes and one person can therefore get a less adequate answer. This is due to subconscious processes, combined with an unawareness of it. It can also lend itself to overfamiliarity and overthinking the questions. Results show that retake assessment after a break of 6 months will give similar scores. Not only from EPT but from other behavioral tests as well.


I don’t think the results are right to what I consider myself or match my self-image?

It can depend on several things, on the one hand, the test is far from the whole truth, (no such test exists).            Partly it can depend on how focused you answered. And the environment around you, most people need to do the test in peace and quiet. And of course, some people are more complex than such a test can describe.

After all, it is based on archetypes which are mergers and explanatory models of how the majority of entrepreneurs work and function, motivates themselves, and hence how often they prioritize, etc

If not another day or try to do it again with another focus. Also, the ability to maintain the selected focus results in the test congruence and also results in the test face validity – more info about EPT and its validation and reliability

For example, if you are young and or a student? Free-time focus can be more appropriate, than work focus. And as we said above, with the ability to maintain the selected focus, it can quickly happen that that one “mentally jumps” between work and free-time. This appears in the individual results as response congruence in % – and is a validation of the qualities in the test. validation and reliability

Can really 21 questions give a fair image of me as an entrepreneur.

No, it does not give a total fair picture of you into the smallest details, no such tests exist. But yes, with a pretty high probability it is possible to decide which of the six archetypes you are or lie closest to. It is important to remember that the results of a behavioral analysis do not say anything about who you are. EPT gives a picture of how your behavior in different situations can be compared. Each of the 21 questions also has 4 different options leading to 84 positions or standpoints in total. Where each is set opposite and each other in contrast to each other. validation and reliability   Also notice that your personality profile is in separate text from your entrepreneur profile. And in its results and in congruence stated in % with your answers.



Can you trust the test ?

Can one trust the test?

EPT and its  validation and reliability

Yes ! The Entrepreneurial Profile Test measures how close the test subjects are the six different archetypes, just at the time of measurement. But many factors come into play like how concentrated you are, if you have a lot to think about, like other things in life – That said it can also be a big reason why you do the test now.

Yes ! There are apparent and clear differences between them archetypes but there are also several
common denominators and factors. It is also possible for a person to enter and go in and out of the different archetypes during different stages of development.

Like all self-estimated and or self-assessed tests, they require that the person wants and can report truthfully about oneself. Additional factors can play a role and or affect – like how one feel physically and or mentally at the moment of taking the test. e.g., Lindstrom one of the founders of the EPT test, researched in Journal of Psychology and Neuroscience, What Does Different Personality Test and Behavioral Test Measure? and Do We Overuse Them? (researchgate.net)


What are the differences between validity and reliability?

There are a few key differences between validity and reliability to be aware of: Due to What is the Difference Between Validity & Reliability? | Questionmark

and below –

Consistent vs. precise

Reliability means that something is consistent time and time again, whereas validity means that the test is a precise way of measuring what it is supposed to measure.


Reliability is simple to measure, as it only depends on a consistent set of results. However, validity can be more difficult to measure. To show that a test is valid, the assessor needs some means of showing that it actually measures what it is meant to measure (e.g. candidates who score well on this test also score well on other tests designed to assess the same thing).

Can a test be valid but not reliable?

A valid test will always be reliable, but the opposite isn’t true for reliability – a test may be reliable, but not valid. This is because a test could produce the same result each time, but it may not actually be measuring the thing it is designed to measure.

For example, candidates could all consistently get the same results in a sales assessment, so it is reliable. However, if the assessment doesn’t actually measure a salesperson’s abilities in a suitable way, then we can’t describe it as valid.

On the other hand, if the assessment was actually a good measure of a salesperson’s abilities (i.e. it was valid), we would expect the results to be broadly the same each time a particular candidate completed it (i.e. it would also be reliable).

For further context on this, feel free to look at infographic on the reliability and validity of compliance assessments.

Should an assessment be both valid and reliable?

Yes. In order for an assessment to be trustworthy, it must be both reliable and valid. For example, when hiring members of staff, organizations need a reliable and valid assessment. If candidates kept passing the test, but it failed to accurately measure their abilities because it asked the wrong questions, it would not be a suitable assessment.

Take a look at our guide on why reliability and validity are the key to trust.



How many have done the EPT test ?

In total, over 33.000,  for the latest update the test has been as the Number of tests: the number for the current number of tests is visible at the bottom left corner of this page, in the blue field.                                                                As well as on and on the starting page, Do like 33… thousand others. Start EPT – a tool for development.


EPT- EntrepreneurProfileTest – is developed by Stefan Lindstrom (Entreprenologist) and Hans-Olle Frummerin, (Licensed psychologist).  EPT is based on research about entrepreneurs like Stefan Lindstrom, who has both observed, researched, and contributed to. 

More about research within Entreprenology  and behavioral science – very latest here below.

© 2010-2025 Stefan Lindström