The suggestion is that entrepreneurs have different characteristics that help them succeed in their tasks. Based on international research that identified five profiles. Starter, serial, innovator, professional, and lifestyle – entrepreneur.
After Stefan Lindstrom´s (founder of the test) time in 2005 at the Boston University School of Management – Entrepreneurial Institute, and around the Boston ecosystem, it was observations he made there that were the starting point in his research. Later in the years around 2007, Lindstrom came up with his first thoughts, and later on the first embryo that there could be a sixth one, -The workstyle! The swede whose research found the 6th entrepreneurial archetype ( that he had the privilege of later launching at The International Conference on Thinking in Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia in 2009. And as a plenary speaker in Belfast in 2011 ICOT The International Conference on Thinking
It is this research that led to the world’s first Entrepreneur Profile Test which was launched in 2010.
The Entrepreneur Profile Test – EPT, gives a picture of which of the six entrepreneurial archetypes you are closest and or closest to.
This test attempts to measure your entrepreneurial tendencies. Whether you actually become an entrepreneur or not is up to you.
What type of entrepreneur are you?
The Own Business Fair, 2010 in Stockholm Sweden saw the launch of the – Entrepreneur Profile Test – a questionnaire that helps determine which of 6 entrepreneur profiles or archetypes as we have chosen to call them, you are closest to.
Entrepreneurs have different characteristics that make them succeed in their tasks. Based on international research that identified five profiles, entreprenologist, and international consultant Stefan Lindstrom, later on in 2009, presented his research at the ICOT in 2009 a Sixth archetype: The Workstyle profile also known as The 6th entrepreneurial workstyle archetype.
Lindstrom, together with licensed psychologist Hans-Olle Frummerin, then over the years from 2008 to 2010 created the Entrepreneurial Profile Test – EPT is based on all six archetypes and their characteristics.
Lindstrom and Frummerin have created the test, based on Lindstrom’s knowledge of and his research (ResearchGate) about entrepreneurs, combined with the experience of behavioural tests. This is combined with Frummerin’s extensive knowledge within psychology, personality & behavioral tests as well as psychological tests.
Both as management consultants within personnel & organizational development
Why do we do this ?
- By improving self-awareness and finding out motivation factors and opportunities for improvements we can improve ourselves and thereby our companies and organizations. Better understand how to encourage both personnel as well as leaders and managers for i.e., economic development, sustainability, future prospects, etc, in our organizations as well as personal growth and joy.
- We all recognize that improving self-awareness can be extremely helpful to entrepreneurs who wish to improve their performance and that of their companies.
- Developing a successful company requires the development of the organization. For an entrepreneurial company, this process needs to start with the entrepreneur, or as our research says, the entrepreneur needs to develop oneself.
- But gaining the insights necessary for this development is not easy. We have therefore developed a set of profiles, enabled by our research, which greatly facilitates the process of identifying and motivating the development.
- You also get a personality profile, which you can use in your personal development, as well as in team-development, recruiting, personnel development, HR, Coaching, Mentoring, etc.
- Self-awareness increases one’s ability.
- Good luck and enjoy your results, reading, and your development!
Stefan Lindstrom & Hans Olle Frummerin. © 2010.
More history follows.
Stefan Lindstrom’s research on entrepreneurship has aroused interest worldwide.
More about research within Entreprenology and behavioral science – very latest here below.
- Journal of Psychology and Neuroscience What Does Different Personality Test and Behavioral Test Measure? and Do We Overuse Them? (
- Journal of Ageing Science & Mental Health Studies, Clarification of research study, ADHD does not provide special conditions for entrepreneurship (
- Journal of Applied Psychiatry, Do Typical ADHD Traits Offer Advantages to Entrepreneur (PDF)
- Do Typical ADHD Traits Offer Advantages to Entrepreneurs ? or not (
Stefan has talked at TEDx talk. What’s so special about entrepreneurs?
This talk is about the answer to the question: What makes an entrepreneur? based on studies and experience. Different types of entrepreneurs with different backgrounds and motivations, and with different impacts and results. Common characteristics of the different archetypes. And also brings up Lindstrom’s latest research within birth order and education levels among his 6 different EPT test – archetypes.
Stefan was also one of the most appreciated speakers at The International Conference on Thinking IinNorrköping Sweden 2007, and again at the follow-up conference in Kuala Lumpur in 2009, and also at The ICOT in Belfast 2011 , Speakers and Biogs.
The conference is the world’s premier assembly to present ideas on a wide scope of topics. Speakers present talks on education, leadership, business, health & medicine, science and technology, the environment, and the humanities. The International Conference on Thinking is operated by a U.S. committee headed by David Perkins, professor of education at Harvard University.
Lindstrom himself is an entrepreneur who became interested in how people like managers & leaders, and especially entrepreneurs, work and think.
He presents his ideas on how one can benefit from their experience in the business world and for individual development as well as personnel and organizational development.
Lindstrom has also developed learning programs for a variety of businesses and organizations over the years.
During the late 90s, Lindstrom participated as a lecturer and was an inspiration for the SAF’s (now Confederation of Swedish Enterprise) project “Start your own ”. The goal of that conference was to disseminate knowledge about entrepreneurship throughout Sweden. Lindstrom has also lectured at Stockholm University.
In 2005 he lived in the United States, to study Entrepreneurial Management and research at the Entrepreneurial Institute at Boston University School of Management.
– Thank you, Mr. Peter Russo – former Director of Entrepreneurial Institute, Boston University School of Management for all your help through all these years of my studying and guiding me on my research – entrepreneurs and “how they think” that help me to figure out the 6th archetype (workstyle) that was later launched at The International Conference on Thinking in 2011. That also gave me the privilege to contribute with these six archetypes in my TEDx talks in April 2018 where you were of big help and support!
It has been an honor to work with you / Stefan L
EPT – Entrepreneur Profile Test – is developed by Stefan Lindstrom specialist in Entrepreneurial management, (Entreprenologist) and is based on research about entrepreneurs like Lindstrom, both studied and observed in his research and himself contributed to, and Hans-Olle Frummerin (Licensed psychologist). This after an idea by Nicklas Mattsson at that time, editor in chief of the Swedish magazine Entreprenör.
Lindstrom and Frummerin have created the test, based on Lindstrom’s knowledge of and research about entrepreneurs, and use and knowledge of behavioural tests as well as Frummerin’s knowledge within psychology, and personality as well as psychological tests. Both as management consultants within organizational development
Since October 2010 EPT has been updated by Lindstrom in 2017 as well as launched in English in march 2020.
© 2010-2024 Stefan Lindstrom