Act = be able to act, intervene, behave.
Action-oriented = a person with a bias for action. Someone is more likely to take action than to talk about it. In everyday speech, the word doer can also occur.
Ambivalence = duality, hesitation, being insecure or vacillating.
Ambivert = A person who is neither extroverted nor introverted but has characteristics of both of these orientations.
Analysis = study, evaluation, investigation, exploration.
Analytical = investigative, exploratory, exploratory, ability to divide such a problem into smaller parts and examine each part separately.
Approach = attitude, attitude, outlook.
Archetype = prototype, model, or standard, occurs in areas related to behavior. Thought pattern, an image that is universally present in the mind of the individual. In analytical psychology, Carl Gustav Jung developed the concept of archetypes as inherent prototypes for ideas. Archetypes organize how we experience certain things throughout life. The EPT test archetypes focus specifically on the types of behavioral traits that influence people’s preferences for work, how they think, and how they function.
Autonomy = self-government, independence. In this EPT test, we talk about the ability to make unforced decisions.
Behavior/behavior (BrE) = actions and mannerisms of individuals.
Behavioristics = a physicalist science of individual and social behavior in which an organism’s response to its environment is studied.
Behavioral assessment = A behavioral assessment is a type of psychological exam that is used to examine an individual’s patterns of behavior. They are becoming increasingly popular with employers as they can help provide insights into a prospective employee’s behavior, thoughts, emotions, and motivations. Historically an assessment process typically included interviews, questionnaires, and observations to get an understanding of an individual’s inner workings, Employees can send behavioral assessments as a pre-screening tool to help shortlist candidates that would be most successful in the role they’ve applied for, based on their results. EPT as a behavioral test is a toll for this
The information gathered from a behavioral assessment or test like EPT can be used to help assess strengths and weaknesses.
Central = not as much as directing, or as in the middle/middle of. In behaviorism, we talk more about pivotal, or dominant, dominant, dominating. Leading or directing is also appropriate within what we measure in the EPT test. Medical terminology would be -crucial.
Change management processes = include a sequence of steps or activities that move a change from start to delivery.
Characterizes/character = disposition, peculiarity, mind, temperament, temprament/nature, figure, state.
Characteristic = or sometimes characteristics, here from an EPT perspective we sometimes say – born with. Therefore, to differentiate it from skills that we see more as learnable. A characteristic e.g. can be left-handed, green-eyed, older than 40 years, longer than 175 cm, or shorter than 5 feet 9 inches. In the text about the different archetypes, as well as in the EPT test results including the last part of the answers called Personality Profile, we use both characteristic and characteristics to be as clear as we can to distinguish what we refer to in the running texts about the different archetypes, personalities. So EPT refers to characteristics as a typical or noticeable quality of someone, i.e. referred to as a quality typical of an individual. E.g., eye color is a characteristic of an organism, while brown, green, blue, etc are characteristics.
EPT is less focused on the phenotypic trait as in biology and more focused on trait theory . In psychology, trait theorists are primarily interested in the measurement of traits, which can be defined as habitual patterns of behavior, thought, and emotion. In some theories and systems, characteristics are something a person either has or does not have, (musicality, sense of tone, e.g.,) In others, characteristics are dimensions in which we have on varying scales more or less of one or the other. Such as extraversion and introversion. In the EPT perspective and research, we refer to some of the archetypes that reference this scale and measurements as Ambiverts. And to some of them more extrovert and some more introvert orientated on this scale.
EPT refers to characteristics because we are interested in measuring characteristics, which can be defined as common patterns of behavior. EPT is therefore more of a behavioral test, although it includes both a personality profile and the entrepreneurial behavior profile.
Congruence = conformity, uniformity, compliance, unity, agreement. This implies a species of equivalence. As an abstract term, congruence means similarity between. The concept of congruence is generally considered to refer to personal awareness and understanding of oneself as well as one’s ability to communicate it truthfully.
Congruence is the harmony between what you feel and what you express. Therefore, we can define congruence as a balance that exists between your innermost state (your “gut feeling”) and the externalization you translate it into, in terms of behavior – both verbal and non-verbal. In other words, when you are congruent, what you feel and what you externalize are in harmony with each other.
Sometimes mentioned as – inner coherence in the personality. If you say that you want to be a certain way, but in reality work and experience yourself in a different way, there is incongruity
A semblance of more detailed evidence can also be found below at Response congruence. More about our research in this area, in
Consciousness = Due to the EPT test and its context, the ability to mentally move forward and backward in time. I.e., Consciousness is a prerequisite for being able to reflect, understand, and have insight into something.
This is not to be confused here with Conscious Awareness which the founder of EPT talks about in his TEDx talks about the 6 different archetypes. TEDx.
We can also add –an individual’s ability to use different mental abilities, among other things to interpret the outside world, but also for other things such as planning for the future, thinking about things that have happened, or imagining other worlds through imagination, which is a typical entrepreneurial skill, (due to research behind this EPT test). Consciousness refers to the state of being awake and aware of one’s surroundings.
It is the overall experience of being alive and having a subjective experience. It includes perception, thoughts, feelings, memories, and other mental processes.
When we are aware, we are aware of ourselves and our surroundings. Example: When you are awake and thinking about what to eat for breakfast, you are in a state of consciousness.
compare to
– Awareness: Awareness is a more specific aspect of awareness. It involves being aware of something specific, usually an event, object, or feeling. It can be focused and temporary. We can be aware of something for a short while and then let it go.
Conscientiousness = the tendency to be responsible, organized, hard-working, goal-directed, and to adhere to norms and rules. One of the Big Five – Conscientiousness is a fundamental personality trait
Control/Controlled = monitoring, review, supervision.
Controlled approach = mastery, guiding, conduit, the ability to lead/manage.
Creator = is a person who grows or makes or invents things. see also founder.
Curiosity = is a mental trait that gives impetus to exploratory behavior and learning. It is the inner will to know. Curiosity is related to the desire for new impressions, and when set free gives an exploratory behavior. It usually occurs during times of boredom and monotony to increase the mental or emotional stimulus. Curiosity is therefore an important factor behind motivation and for entrepreneurship. Appears in the last part (curiosity) of Lindstrom’s TEDx talks – TEDx.
- strategic.
- tactical.
- operational.
Desire = (also option) is a noun for something that is sought after. ‘Desire’ derives from the Latin desiderare, ‘to long or wish for’, From an EPT (behavioral analysis) point of view we here more refer to the emotion (desire) of longing or hoping for an outcome, driven by unsatisfactory more than an object- as in craving for. In the EPT context, we, therefore, refer to in our text and profile-results this to as an emotion. The emotion that drives the impulse toward attainment in the matter of pleasure or satisfaction.
Detailed orientation = Focused on specific details, which are broken down and analyzed into parts. Opposite to Holistic orientation → Comprehensive, integrated, includes almost all aspects.
Drivers = Drivers, or motivators, are the forces that prompt an individual to act to achieve a goal. They can be one of many factors, but they are generally a mix of factors that affect an individual. Drivers, or motivat
Driving forces = are the processes of the present that change institutions and individuals. These can be individual factors but are usually complex of different factors, which affect an individual. or organization. Important for understanding the phenomenon is system theory, and the phenomenon of trends.
Element = topic, environment, unit, component, basic concept.
Emotion/s = There is currently no scientific consensus on a definition. Stefan Lindstrom one of the founders of this test has in his research found 11 emotions (Love, Hate, Desire, Detest, Hope, Despair, Courage, Fear, Joy, Sorrow, and Wrath,) Lindstrom speaks about the emotions that are the foundation of taking action among entrepreneurs in his TEDx talks – What’s so special about entrepreneurs
EPT founder Lindstroms TEDx talk, talks about the role of our emotions – TEDx.
When it comes to the EPT test it measures how one, for example, makes decisions i.e. emotion-driven and therefore makes decisions more often on a personal value scale, while others tend to make their decisions more often based on logic and objectivity. EPT takes this into account and that each human rates themselves or sees itself somewhere along the spectrum.
Entirety = totality and completeness, whole.
Entrepreneur = someone who takes an idea for a product or service thinks about the risk or more likely the chance, identifies opportunities, pulls together resources, plans, and implements the idea! (Entrepreneurs play a key role in any economy, using the skills and initiative necessary to anticipate needs and bring good new ideas to market) Historically, the term entrepreneur was first defined in 1734 by Richard Cantillon an Irish-French economist. He described entrepreneurs as “a rational decision maker who assumes the risk and provides management for the firm”
Entrepreneurship = describes a person who undertakes and who succeeds in creating ventures. The entrepreneur or even (Intrapreneur-ship) succeeds in changing the direction of something, devising new approaches, and creating new businesses and markets. One scientific way to describe it has been – to find and utilize opportunities.
Entreprenologist = is a specialist within the field of Entrepreneurial Management (Entreprenology). This is an interdisciplinary field that combines insights from psychology, behavioral science, economics, and leadership.
Entreprenologist is a term that merges entrepreneurship and psychology. Entrepreneurship involves taking an idea for a product or service, reflecting on risks and opportunities, gathering resources, planning, and implementing the idea. Entrepreneurs are creative individuals who drive start-up businesses forward.
Psychology is the study of human behavior, thoughts, and emotions. It encompasses everything from how we think to how we deal with stress and interact with others. An entreprenologist combines the knowledge and skills of entrepreneurship with psychological insights, enabling entrepreneurs to understand and manage challenges more effectively. For example, an entreprenologist offers various ways to help identify both business and life goals and develops strategies for achieving them. Due to their multifaceted roles, Entreprenologist often refer to themselves as coaches, trainers, or consultants. They can perform business analytics as a consultant, provide guidance as a trainer by applying new knowledge, and support individuals or teams as a coach during the training process.
Entrepreneurs can hire an entreprenologist to gain insights into aligning their necessary resources and determining whether they have what it takes to consistently succeed in entrepreneurship. A useful starting point for gaining this insight can be taking the Entrepreneur Profile Test (EPT).
Entreprenology = the study of being an entrepreneur. It studies how to build, operate, and sustain a business and teaches the necessary knowledge and skills for people to become entrepreneurs. Entreprenology can designate a comprehensive, multidisciplinary understanding of the entire entrepreneurial process. It is an interdisciplinary field that combines insights from psychology, behavioral science, economics, and leadership.
Entrepreneurology = the study of the entrepreneur and entrepreneurial behavior in a broad sense, while Entreprenology is the study of the overall entrepreneurial process, which includes the creation and extraction of value.
The field of entrepreneurship can be defined as one that studies the practices of entrepreneurship by examining their activities, characteristics, economic and social effects, and the support methods used to facilitate the expression of entrepreneurial activity.
Extroverted = outgoing, social.
Extrovert = central dimension in some human personality theories. outgoing, talkative, – say some. We say when it comes to entrepreneurship – They would rather think concrete and generalized than abstract and individual. Entrepreneurs with this personality trait – more often get their energy from interest on external factors and therefore more interested in engaging with their environment.
Extroverted, and outgoing, people become often more realistic, but also more superficial. At the same time more practical than the introverted, due to that, they think concretely and generalized rather than abstractly and individually. (like the more introverted-orientated). The term Extro-vert comes from the Latin words extra (“outward”) and vertere (“turn”, “direct”).
Opposite to introvert. The traits of extraversion (also spelled extroversion) and introversion are a central dimension in some human personality theories.
Existence = being, life, subsistence, reality, living
Expose = display, exhibit, subject to, execute, highlight, unmask.
External factors = outer, peripheral factors.
Face validity = In addition to validation and reliability the term face validity, more or less “obvious” or obvious validity, is sometimes used to indicate how relevant the test is perceived by test participants at first glance. ‘’Face Validity’’ much as ‘’apparent’’ or ‘’obvious’’ validity indicates if the test at first glance appears to measure what it intends to measure. This can be important to ensure, as a test person may need to perceive the test as relevant to feel motivated.
Feeling = sensation, idea, notion, also known as emotion, is a state of mind such as happiness, sadness, fear anger, etc. A feeling is called a state of which most people have experiences from but may be difficult to define. A general feature of emotions is that they have an object, that the feeling is directed against. Emotions play a central role in psychology, but also in philosophy and cognitive science. In our EPT test we have focused on what we think are the 11 ground emotions – see emotions. – above.
Flexible, Flexible approach = describes how a person can adapt to perform different tasks/functions.
Flow = Flow is the mental state in which a person performing some activity is fully immersed in a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and enjoyment in the process of the activity. Some would say it is to be seen as that “thought is the enemy of flow”.
Founder = has a startup feel to it—like you built the business from the foundation up. As a noun founder founds, establishes, and erects. It’s gained traction in recent years, but it only works if you actually started the company. If you purchased an existing business and did more of the buying than the founding, this title might not be right for you. Owner could then be suitable – Owner might appear more humble. It doesn’t convey the same authority as CEO or president, but it clearly denotes who the decision-maker is. If you’re an owner of a small business or are a solo entrepreneur, The owner– title could be the one. And or, also compare to – The creator.
Goal-driven = Goal-driven or goal-orientated people are self-starters and highly motivated. Goal-driven people are motivated to succeed. They don’t procrastinate and get things done on time. They also typically don’t wait for others to instruct them to do something, opting to take charge to complete a task.
Holistic = comprehensive, integrated, in the behavioral test EPT – we refer to Holistic orientation as including or dealing with all or nearly all elements or aspects of something. The opposite word we use to describe one of the many different characteristics of the EPT test archetypes is Detailed orientation.
Human resource development = is the training and development of a company’s workforce.
Human resource management = is the strategic approach to the effective and efficient management of people in a company or organization
Incongruence = If you say that you want to be in a certain way, but in reality work and experience yourself in a different way, there is incongruence. Opposite to congruence.
Integrate/d = unite into an entity, coordinate, incorporate, subsume, unite into a whole, merge. E.g., he/she in their personality profile, or a specific archetype that has an overall integrated approach, for example as a starter, inventor, and administrator.
Introvert = central dimension in some human personality theories. shy, withdrawn, reserved say some, we say when it comes to entrepreneurship – solitary behavior, gets its energy from within. find strength in creating their own space. Entrepreneurs with this personality trait combined with their sensitivity to their environments, often help them pick up “signals” more quickly, giving them an advantage at reading many situations.
Introverted, inwardly, people are governed in their thinking more by their own perceptions than by external events, arguments, and situations. In their emotional reactions, they can outwardly show indifference and coldness, but behind the facade, there is often a rich and nuanced emotional life. Introverts often experience social contexts as exhausting and instead get energy from lonely, often creative pursuits.
Opposite to extrovert.
Innovative = improvement driven, renovation/renewal, advanced, inventive.
Initiation = get started, introduce in, acquaint.
Internalization (via the English internalize from the original Latin internus, ‘inside’is the incorporation of other people’s thoughts, values and ways of reacting into one’s own person. The term is used in, for example, psychology and sociology. Social norms can be internalized as part of one’s own personality or identity, in a certain situation or as part of upbringing. In a situation with a strong power wielder, such as in the Norrmalmstorg drama or in the case of violence in intimate relationships, the dominant person’s motives and goals can be taken over and internalized as one’s own motives and goals. This has led to the coining of the “Stockholm Syndrome”.
Intrapreneur/s = or corporate entrepreneurs are people found in large corporations where they have the freedom to build their own organization in their own way. “An entrepreneur within a company or org”.
An intrapreneur is therefore similarly an entrepreneur, an enterprising and innovative person who is active within an organization/division/company. (Both intrapreneurs and entrepreneurs have a drive to innovate whenever possible, which is why there are many shared traits between them.)
Intrapreneurs see that the organization needs to develop in a direction that has not been obvious before. Intrapreneurs see the need for a change in the current structure and the need to get a new focus or a new structure. This is often associated with difficulties in changing and working against the resistance that sometimes exists to new thoughts and ideas.
Intuition = impulse, instinct, instinctive perception. Intuition is the ability to form an instant opinion or make an immediate assessment without (knowingly) having access to all the facts and is often difficult to argue and make sound logical. As a feeling or idea that is more based on abstract thoughts than concrete reality, and as in the entrepreneurial world – thoughts, and possibilities. Daily often described – a gut feeling or hunch.
Some tests that measure this iNtuition (N) vs (S)ensing would say – The pair of psychological preferences when it comes to Intuition – is Sensing. I.e., do you pay more attention to information that comes in through your five senses (Sensing), or do you pay more attention to the patterns and possibilities that you see in the information you receive (Intuition)?
EPT refer to this as. The purpose of intuition seems to be ” finding patterns in life”. Within the field of Entreprenology, it is a much-studied area, fields such as thinking and perceiving information at a deeper level.
Knowledge = An awareness of the existence of something and information and understanding of a specific topic of the world in general which is usually acquired by experience or learning.
Motivation = Motivation is the force that enables an individual or system to achieve a goal. Generally applicable to humans or animals and are generally not in organizations.
This motivation is usually the satisfaction of needs and motives for conduct. Stefan Lindstrom one of the founders whose research the EPT test is based on talks about. M = G – R. Motivation = Goal minus Resistance. Other ways to describe it – are your ability to self-start and propel yourself towards your goals.
Motivation factor/s = inner force that drives the individual to want to achieve goal/s. In EPT founder Lindstroms TEDx talk, he talks about the role of our emotions – TEDxtalk.
Nature/character = property, character, kind, condition, construction, of the characteristics of something, characterize something. A person’s natural traits.
Orientation = alignment, propensity to act in a certain way. In this EPT test context, an individual’s orientation to see and act a certain way.
Orientate = I.e., “to set in a definite position,” “to acquaint with an existing situation or environment, or to direct toward the interests of a particular group. In EPT we here refer to – clients, customers, market, etc. E.g., entrepreneurs often run companies with a market-oriented production. Another example could be customer-driven orientation. See the all 6 different All Archetypes – Entrepreneur profile test
Personality = character, essence, soul, orientation, individual character, charisma, concepts in behavioral science. A personality may be the same as an identity or personality type. Personality psychologists often use the term personality to refer to psychological qualities that contribute to an individual’s enduring and characteristic patterns of feelings, thinking, and behavior. Permanent or lasting refers to that personality traits are relatively persistent over time and in different situations. A person consists of a relatively stable pattern of perceptions, thoughts, and behaviors that characterize the individual. Our personality is made up of several personality traits that to a greater or lesser extent show up in our interaction with other people. The person himself is mostly unaware of these personality traits. One way to look at what is a personality is – a psychological fingerprint.
Personality traits provide the energy and drive for particular kinds of behaviors, which is why we created EPT—a tool for development through enhanced self-awareness. By offering both a personality profile and an entrepreneurial profile, EPT helps individuals understand their unique traits and entrepreneurial potential.
Personality traits = In behaviorism traits or dispositional theory is mentioned as an approach due to the study of human personality. Trait theorists have primarily mentioned traits that one can measure, like thoughts and emotions. In some theories and systems, traits are something a person either has or does not have, but in many others, traits are dimensions such as extraversion vs. introversion, with each person rating somewhere along this spectrum. The EPT test takes this into account, as well as something EPT was among the first to acknowledge –Ambivert. That is due to some of the archetypes showing either or nor as Ambiverts.
Personality measure or personality test aims to describe aspects of a person’s personality that remain stable throughout that person’s lifetime, the individual’s character pattern of behavior, thoughts, and feelings. An early model of personality was
That said from the perspective of personality tests and like EPT one also has to be aware that if you have or get a specific EPT profile in your answers (entrepreneurial archetype) today it may not be the same e.g., as in the future – and or forever.
Personality and personality traits are usually not completely constant over a person’s lifetime, although some basic traits are relatively stable over time. According to research in psychology, personality can change and develop through various life experiences, education, maturity, and other factors. The most influential theory of personality, the “Big Five” or five-factor model, claims that personality can be described by five main traits: openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism (emotional stability). While these traits are relatively stable over time, they can also change to some extent, especially during periods of major life change or when an individual is actively striving to change themselves.
The EPT theory here is about breaking points or i.e., life-changing moments –
It is important to note that personality changes usually happen gradually and not overnight. Some personality traits may be more resistant to change than others. For example, basic traits that are strongly rooted in early childhood experiences may be more difficult to change than more flexible traits. In summary, personality is not completely constant during a person’s lifetime, but it can be relatively stable while also undergoing change and development over time.
Plan/planning approaches/attitude = is a process of reaching a future goal, through systematic and targeted actions from given starting points.
Perspective = distance, overview, vision of the future.
Properties = trait of character, personality traits, feature, nature; particularity, in this test more of the innate character (as opposed to skills related to learned).
Reliability = In addition to validation and reliability
Resilience = is all about how you respond to challenges
Response congruence = This is the match between your answers among themselves. Therefore, your answers give a probability – a likelihood of Your personal response in a percentage. Like all self-estimated and or self-assessed tests, they require that the person wants and can report truthfully about oneself. The concept of congruence is generally believed to refer to personal awareness and understanding of oneself as well as one’s ability to communicate that truthfully.
Not so many tests that are based on or partly based on self-estimates or sometimes called self-assessed – measures response congruence. But EPT measures response congruence, and in %, which is rounded off in the nearest five or ten numbers. i.e., 60%, 70%, 85%, etc. Some test refers this to a coefficient called Cronbach Alpha, Cronbach’s alpha measures whether questions belonging to the same scale produce similar scores. Cronbach’s alpha measures the reliability of the question itself, but cannot determine the reliability of the person answering the question and is the most famous and commonly used among reliability. EPT response congruence – measures more than that. When it comes to EPT and its reliability, read more in EPT and its validation and reliability
More info about the word Congruence itself, – see above, Congruence.
or research about congruence in different tests in What Does Different Personality Test and Behavioral… – Google Scholar
Maybe you want to compare your scores? After 27.000 tests we can see that the average % congruence is somewhere 80+ (83-85%) for those who chose Job as focus, and approx 70%+ for those with Free-time as a focus during taking the test.
Secondary = subordinate, inferior, indirect, lesser, ancillary.
Section = in this context then an individual is focused on seeing part of a scheme or course of events instead of the whole.
Self-awareness = is how an individual knows and understands their own Character, Feelings, motives, / Motivation and Desire, the self-awareness test is sometimes referred to Mirror test – Self-awareness can also be divided into Internal and External. What do I know about myself, and what do I know about what and how others perceive me.
Self-insight = the understanding yourself in some depth and can be the goal or desired outcome from many sorts of development i.e., the process of attaining knowledge or insight about oneself as well as other people. Or with regard to counseling in psychotherapy.
Self-regulations = In short, self-regulation means the ability to plan, initiate, and complete.
To regulate one’s emotions, thoughts, and actions in stressful situations so that one can control one’s
behavior and act sensibly according to what the situation requires.
Short-termism = in the short term, without perspective, for the longer term.
Skills as in = ability, a personal ability by the help of knowledge, experience, and or properties to perform a certain action. When it comes to entrepreneurship we also talk about intuition as a “skill”. Skills can also be divided into domain-general, i.e. – leadership, and self-motivation. And domain-specific – used only for a certain job
Stimulus = in (psychology), a concept in behaviorism and perception, is something that causes a response. In entrepreneurship that can be just to take action.
Stimul ator/ation/ating = excite, liven up, spur, inspire, refresh.
Strategy/ies = well-planned, well-designed, methodical, forward-thinking, calculating. A common definition of strategy versus tactics are ‘’tactics is the art of winning a battle, the strategy is the art of winning a war’’.
Strategic = well-planned, well-designed, methodical, forward-thinking, calculating.
Thought/s = is the conscious process that is ongoing in the human psyche.
Primarily the processes mean related to memory, perceptions, and understanding of sensory input. Thinking treats the information which man absorbs and solves problems and makes decisions. Usually, one is more conscious of the result of the thinking than the thought process itself – (leading up to it.) Words referring to similar processes could be – cognition, awareness, consciousness, spirit and imagination.
Traits = also see above on Characteristics
traits can be seen as opposite to states that are more temporary conditions. Traits consistent patterns of behavior that determine how a person will respond to a particular situation. Consistency in one’s behavior across different situations.
- Traits: Holistic thinking, creativity, and problem-solving abilities (innate qualities).
- Characteristics: Resilience, autonomy, and strong intuitive decision-making (which may include both innate qualities and developed skills).
- In Psychology: Traits often refer to the dimensions of personality that are measured in personality tests, such as the Big Five personality traits.
Validity = In addition to validation and reliability
Value Disciplines = Customer intimacy, product leadership, operational excellence.
Customer intimacy encompasses customer service and customer attention.
Product leadership means that a business offers products that are market leaders. This often requires a large investment in research and development, R&D orientated is another word for it.
Operational excellence. In the context of the Value Disciplines Model, operational excellence means a focus on price and convenience.
EPT- EntrepreneurProfileTest – is developed by Stefan Lindstrom (Entreprenologist) and Hans-Olle Frummerin, (Licensed psychologist). EPT is based on research about entrepreneurs like Stefan Lindstrom, who has both observed, researched, and contributed to.
More about research within Entreprenology and behavioral science – very latest here below
- Journal of Psycology and Neuroscience, JPN– Volume 3 Issue 2 Year 2021 | What Does Different Personality Test and Behavioral Test Measure? and Do We Overuse Them? (
- Journal of Ageing Science & Mental Health Studies, Clarification of research study, ADHD does not provide special conditions for entrepreneurship (
- Journal of Applied Psychiatry, Do Typical ADHD Traits Offer Advantages to Entrepreneur (PDF)
- Do Typical ADHD Traits Offer Advantages to Entrepreneurs ? or not (